Saturday, July 23, 2011

10 Tips How To Lower Cholesterol

Seriously high levels of cholesterol 'bad' (LDL) cholesterol is a cause of heart disease threat. By lowering levels of LDL in your blood, you will automatically reduce the levels of total cholesterol in your body (also known as HDL cholesterol "good" and LDL - "bad" cholesterol) and prevent development of heart disease. You can use drug therapy to lower cholesterol, but you can also use a more healthy method - agents of food and food supplements that will lower your cholesterol with natural. In other words, a diet low in saturated fat and rich in fiber can help lower cholesterol levels down to normal limits.

We will offer you some advice on what is actually to eat and what not to eat for a diet to lower cholesterol. Keep in mind that this diet is not very difficult to honor, strength of will and determination needed to defend themselves from eating 'bad' foods. The tips below should be followed for a period of one month, and then you should get your cholesterol levels checked to see results from diet.

1. The first thing you have to do is to reduce the amount of red meat in your daily alimentation. You will replace it with white meat (poultry) and fish have lower levels of fat.

2. It is absolutely necessary for you to eliminate or at least to eat less saturated fat. This means that you should start drinking skim milk, cheese, low-cholesterol spread or light, is not your normal food. This product may not be good light as fat, but they care about saving your life.

3. A healthy diet means a healthy digestion. Foods high in fiber (such as cereals or muesli) will eventually help you lower cholesterol by eliminating the dietary fats.

4. Stop frying your food and start grilling them. This loss of vitamins from vegetables, so you will eat healthier.

5. Eating out can be a test for your determination to lower cholesterol. The best method for passing this test is to eat mainly in restaurants that serve dishes low in cholesterol. To prevent damage to your diet, you should ask for dressing and gravies to be served separately so you control the amount you eat. Do not eat them excessively. Try to eat a healthy salad not French fries. We know, not as tasty, but will reduce the 'bad' cholesterol.

5. Ceased to be a 'couch potato', start exercising every day. You can do aerobics, you can walk or jogging, you can also play basketball, but absolutely necessary for you to do it every day.

6. Tropical oils do not do you good. If you want to get a lower cholesterol level you must start using vegetable oils (olive oil is the best choice) or canola oil.

7. Always read the labels on food products you buy to make sure what you are buying in terms of level of fat.

8. Now let's talk about alcohol. Drinking is not exactly what you're doing the best for the diet, because it can damage your efforts, but recent studies have shown that a glass of red wine a day can lower cholesterol in some cases.

9. A cholesterol lowering medication if prescribed or approved by the physician will have maximum effectiveness for your diet if you will respect in full.

10. And we keep the best one to date. Always remember that a diet to reduce cholesterol levels will definitely help you lose weight. Bon appetite!
READ MORE - 10 Tips How To Lower Cholesterol

Friday, July 22, 2011

Diet Scams: How to avoid ripped off

Have you ever accept advertisements that look tempting arrived regularly in the post - seductive brochures describe the diet pills, patches and ingredients that promise miracles? They showed "evidence". They have the support of the medical and scientific "experts". They have pictures before and after. And they have no final guarantees, free gifts and other offerings.

But when you see a little more in this background diet products, you find very little of substance. With just a little research online you will see that you can find anything sent from sources believed to be about the product or its members described so glowingly.

And you always see the bid after the bids submitted by the same company using the same sender address.

Now the possibility of hitting on a magical isolation but three products in one year? No!

Each time you receive something that sounds like the answer to your prayers, stand back a little from the hype and excitement to find magical solutions to weight problems and think clear.

Ask yourself "Is this another scam diet?"

Generally you'll avoid the rip-off if you decide NOT to buy the things you think the world has been answered. Believe world press and TV (and a diet any) ALL be shouting from the roof if they are weight loss patches, pills and potions worked. It is unlikely you will be the first to know because the manufacturers will tell the media about it first and not just send you a letter out of the blue.

If something sounds too good to be true - it probably is. If something requires you not to make any changes other than to take diet pills or stick the patch on your thigh so you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be no visible changes in the size of your body as a good result.

I know it's tempting, when you're struggling to lose weight for a long time, want to believe every promise of the magic that comes along. But please do not - you just let yourself in for disappointment and hurt like that. And you can only postpone the beginning of the real process of losing weight - the day when you finally realize that you can only do this with a sense of change and consistency in the habit of eating and sports.

Diet scams such as patches and pills on offer in any household may reduce your bank account and never the size of your thighs. That's your choice whether you spend money on healthy food and running shoes or a magic potion that will never work but I know where I will spend my money with great difficulty.
READ MORE - Diet Scams: How to avoid ripped off

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Diet Plans for Low-carb Diet

One of the most popular diet is a low carbohydrate. But as the popularity of growing number of diet plans, and grow and grow. When you have decided it is so difficult: a very large amount of information freezes you. You are blocked and you need to find a way to continue what has begun: a low-carbohydrate diet.That 's why I have decided to present you some diet plans for low-carb diet.

One of the most well-known is the Atkins diet. This mainly consists of four phases: first phase has the purpose to induces "benign dietary ketosis" that will help the body to produce fat mobilization; once produced this substance the body is forced to pour out and burn stored body fat; is the time when you start losing weight body. The second stage continuous process and try to remove some restrictions on food. This will last until you reach the desired weight.

Third level to prepare you for the last. Now you will change your diet to a diet of care and very slowly you will lose additional pounds added. The last phase is the maintenance diet and its purpose is to maintain a target weight for life. This is all the settings are very strict diet that will forever keep from losing weight. Person is urged to keep to the carbohydrate level they feel happy without weight gain.

Other popular diet plans low carbohydrate diet is Eat Fat Get Thin. This is a high-fat, low carbohydrate plan, which allows 60g carbohydrates per day and calories are limited. This method is to reduce intake of refined carbohydrates. To do this, you can eat as much as you would expect from any meat, fish, poultry, cheese, cream, butter and eggs, you can also have green leafy vegetables. You are allowed to eat vegetables and fruits, avoiding the sweeter. You have to cut food with large amounts of sugar and cereals, and you should give bread to eat, or eat less as you can. This diet was successful for those who write it, and can for you too.

Diet Plan are: Life without Bread, The Diet Cure, Fat Water Plan, Neanderthin, South Beach Diet and many, many others.

READ MORE - Diet Plans for Low-carb Diet

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Diet Made For You Will Make All the Difference

For the best diet results, you need a personal diet you can stick to.

People diet for many reasons, and with many purposes in mind. No matter what your destination, the most effective diet to achieve them is a personal one. Personal diet is right for you is what you need, whether you want to improve your health, or just lose weight.

Once you decide to make changes for the better in your diet is the next step is to seek advice from members. There are a myriad of fitness and diet plan that suits you're ready from your local gym or fitness center. Usually there will be someone there you can talk to and find what the best diet for you is. Or you can take in one of the fitness programs offered by the major fitness companies, there is one to suit every taste!

Everyones body is different and very different diet and fitness programs effect you diffently with how they will influence others. Some people will lose weight and tone up faster in a particular diet is so important to make sure your diet is just right for your body.

Most diet programs are designed for people with no particular health problems. If you find you change your diet prescribed appropriate health problem you have is important to contact your doctor first to ask for advice. They can tell you more about what is best to eat or avoid eating with your illness.

Of course your doctor knows like the people on your health. They are in excellent position to help you decide which will be most effective diet for you. They will also be able to see the potential problems with your diet, or expensive. For example if you are on medication to prevent blood clotting can not eat green vegetables (spinach in particular). Your doctor will look at problems like this and show it to you.

The main problem with standard diets (including diets we all here about) is that they are just that - standard. They are designed to meet each person to a certain extent, but they may have an effect on your average. Diet is not designed for you - for your body, build, fitness level, health, or potential health problems. A good diet is one you can make your own - you can adjust your diet and your personal fit.

Another problem is that depending on where you live, some diets might call for you to eat certain foods that are difficult or even impossible to find. They may also require you to eat foods that are out of season or more expensive to buy in your location from others. If this happens, you need to change your diet to include foods that are readily available, but also work in your diet.

Of course no point in beginning your diet with great determination only to find a week later you do not have the ability to go with it. It is important that your own convenience in your diet if possible. Level out your old diet while gradually adopting a new diet is included. That way you will be able to cope with it and getting the most from your new diet.

Avoid diets that require you to suddenly change your eating habits, forcing you to stop eating your favorite food for example. Changes like that will cause temptation and make you Cheta in your diet. Diets such as this rarely will last long enough to have a significant impact on the health or weight.

If your diet has a purpose - such as losing weight or lowering your blood pressure, then you should consider creating a graphical progress. that way you can see the graph and see how far you've come and how much you close to your destination. such will provide much needed impetus impetus in your confidence and your determination to work all the way from your new diet and achieve your goals.
READ MORE - A Diet Made For You Will Make All the Difference

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

5 Simple Steps To Lower Cholesterol

You can lower cholesterol without drugs by following some basic steps that will not only change your cholesterol readings, but also improve your health today and in the future. So often we use the prescription drug and hope it will magically cure whatever our pain. The truth is medication for lowering cholesterol do work. The problem is that in both the short and long term side effects.

Even more dangerous than the side effects of prescription drugs to lower cholesterol is not getting cholesterol under control. Over time, high cholesterol can lead to various heart conditions and arteries, not the least of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), stroke or heart attack.

These are 5 steps that you can download today to lower your cholesterol without prescription drugs.

Eat right. Might sound simple, but like the diet has a significant effect on cholesterol reduction to be the number one factor in determining if you look at your high cholesterol is a diet choice or genetic problems. A diet low in cholesterol and low fat is the first step toward lowering cholesterol.

Training. Improving heart health is a step towards reversing the effects of high cholesterol. Exercise itself does not directly lower cholesterol, but will strengthen the heart and entire circulatory system.

Stop smoking. If you smoke, the plaque build up in arteries due to cholesterol accelerated. When plaque blocks blood flow to the heart, muscles must work harder to get oxygen. This can cause a heart attack. If the arteries get completely blocked with plaque from high cholesterol then a stroke can occur.

Relax. Chronic stress can affect cholesterol levels. If you continue to stress and low-cholesterol diet, you may not notice any improvement in cholesterol readings until you learn to relieve stress.

Talk to your doctor. Not all doctors to quickly meresepkan medicine. In fact, the more enlightened doctors will help you develop a diet plan and appropriate training for current overall health and your ability as a first step toward lowering cholesterol. It is always important to ask your doctor if your decision to follow a specific diet or program that's right for your sport. In addition, do not stop taking the medication before consulting your doctor. You can lower your cholesterol with diet and exercise, and under the doctor, see about removing drugs from the process.

READ MORE - 5 Simple Steps To Lower Cholesterol

Monday, July 18, 2011

Health, Medical and Glyconutrition: The Future Is not What used to Be

This is what they call "Hope"?

We were all familiar with the idea that certain diseases will be around for a while ... like until the Second Coming. Diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatism ... and many more are expected around, in epidemic proportions, longer than we think we will live ... and anyone who tries to tell us if viewed with a real skeptic. In fact, while some try to tell us "no hope" for diseases such as, say, diabetes, we tend to believe that the person is trying to sell something to us ... and we usually true.

But, what is worse is the fact that "hope" we receive is usually as follows:

Studies show that people at high risk for type 2 diabetes can prevent or delay the incidence of disease by losing 5 to 7 percent of their weight. You can do this by eating healthier and getting 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week. In other words: You do not have to knock yourself to prevent diabetes. The key is: small steps that lead to major prize. Learn more about your risk for developing type 2 diabetes and the small steps you can take to delay or prevent the disease and live long, healthy.

Of course, this is good advice. There is no denying it. As a medical doctor, I need to give advice like this for years, for diabetes and other conditions. Funny, how good it is, I have never seen people be happy, do not topsy back or celebrate because they had just received such advice. Why? because we really want to Wahat from the medical world is a drug!

And why not? It is unfair that the only real answer to conditions such as diabetes or obesity is a "hope" that we stop eating almost everything we enjoy, sweat till we drop, pill prescription "pop" 'till we swell, and think positive .. . forever.

A new future?

So, of course, I was skeptical too when I first heard the claims related to glyconutrition. For a long time scientists and medical professionals, I know that the "claim" can be done easily ... And who ever heard "glyconutrition" anyway?

In 1999, the Nobel Prize for Medicine awarded to Dr. Gunter Blobel for his work in the science of Glycobiology (biological glyconutrition). In eight recent Nobel Prize in medicine awarded four Nobel Prizes have been awarded for discoveries made in this ONE. Believe it or not, this field (glyconutrition) influence diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease directly. Why? Because, eight sugar was isolated for their support of the immune system and communication Tues In addition, human life can not be supported without them.

This information caught my attention. When a Nobel Prize won by individuals in treatment, people pay attention. When the four of them won in the SAME, as in cases involving glyconutrition, the medical world is "burned" by the news.

For information making its way through the medical world, other issues become news as well. For decades American Medical Association, medical professionals electricity generating, teach that nutritional supplements are not required for good health. However, in June 2002, the AMA recognizes that nutritional supplements are very important for good health and help in curing diseases.

Also, the prestigious MIT published its findings. It is written that "sugar" is one of the ten technologies that we believe will change the world in the next decade. Nutritional supplementation is important to return the conventional medical world ... and in the middle of the whirlwind glyconutrition.

But, what really jolted me professionally was this: Until this discovery, scientists have NO idea how the cells of your body can tell the antibodies your body is facing the infection and that they should "come up here" to deal with it. Until this discovery, scientists have NO idea how the cells of your body throughout your body that says they need the nutrients, oxygen, waste elimination, infections healed ... and a myriad of other functions required of every cell. Goodness! We in the scientific world does not know exactly HOW even aspirin made way for the headache worse than you. We only know it works. So, we prescribed.

Sugar? Say not so, doc!

But, I was fixated on the news that scientists like Dr. Gunter Blobel was looking for what it is that allows cells COMMUNICATE with other systems of the body. And do you believe? What they found was extraordinary. Sugar ... SUGAR! (Glyco = Greek for "sugar") No ... not table sugar (diabetics others will not be so excited that this new-found support for their diabetes). There are over 200 sugars in nature but, eight of whom are VITAL to our good health to achieve.
READ MORE - Health, Medical and Glyconutrition: The Future Is not What used to Be

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Exercise Can Reduce Diabetes Risk

The two types of diabetes type I and type II. Diabetes Type I is characterized by the pancreas makes too little insulin or none. An individual with type I diabetes must inject insulin throughout the day in order to control glucose levels. Type II diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes, is characterized by the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to control glucose levels or the cells not responding to insulin. When the cell did not respond to insulin, known as insulin. When the subject was diagnosed with Type II diabetes, exercise and weight control prescribed as measures to help with insulin resistance. If this does not control glucose levels, then medication is prescribed. Risk factors for type II diabetes include: an active, high cholesterol, obesity, and hypertension. Active only a very strong risk factor that has been proven to cause diabetes type II. Training will have a positive effect on diabetes type II while improving insulin sensitivity while type I can not run a training program. More than 90 iindividuals with diabetes have type II.

Exercise causes the body to process glucose faster, which reduce blood sugar. The more intense training, the faster your body will use glucose. It is therefore important to understand the differences in training with type I and type II diabetes. It is important for an individual with diabetes to check with your doctor before starting a training program. When training with a diabetic, it is important to understand the dangers of injecting insulin immediately before exercise. An individual with type I diabetes injecting their normal amount of insulin to settle the situation could pose a risk hypoglycemia or insulin shock during exercise. General training manual for type I are as follows: allow adequate rest in the training sessions to prevent high blood pressure, use low impact exercises and avoid lifting heavy loads, and always have supplies of carbohydrates nearby. If blood sugar is too low, individuals may feel nervous, confused, hungry, anxious, angry or experience to be nervous. Taking a carbohydrate snack or beverage will alleviate the symptoms in a few minutes.

Before participating in training, it is important for blood sugar levels will be tested to ensure that they are not below 80 to 100 mg / dl range and not above 250 mg / dl. Glucose should also be tested before, during, after and 3-5 hours after training. During the recovery period (3-5 hours after training), it is important for diabetics to take enough carbohydrates to prevent hypoglycemia.

Training will be greatly benefit individuals with type II diabetes because of a positive effect on insulin sensitivity. Proper training and nutrition is the best form of prevention for type II diabetes patients. It is important for training protocols to be repeated almost daily to help maintain insulin sensitivity. To avoid hypoglycemia, the work up to strenuous.

As an individual with type I diabetes, carbohydrates should also be present during training to help improve blood sugar levels if the individual becomes low.

READ MORE - Exercise Can Reduce Diabetes Risk