Saturday, August 6, 2011


Chelating is the process of removing toxic materials, metals and minerals from the body with the use of certain chelating agents. These are substances that bond with the toxic materials resulting in capsulation of those toxic materials and substances pengkelat the flashing went through the process of cleaning the waste body's natural ekskretoris.

Arterial Plaque is one of the most frequently identified pesticides. This should be removed to prevent arteries from being hit and also ensure greater cardio-vascular health.

There are varieties of chelating agents in use today, some of the most common are Diamin Ethylene Tetra Acetic acid (EDTA), Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), Dimercaptopropane sulfonate (DMPS), which most applied intravenously.

Khelat stick itself with poison through reversible ionic bond. With the strong bonds that pull out toxins and excretion through the digestive system and out of the body. However, this process is not toxic and there is every possibility of dinetralkan that the way out toxins will be appended to other cells. Khelasi process is not always full proof when it comes to removing heavy metals from cells.

In addition, using conventional khelasi process also bring you to the risk of important and needed some metal out of your body in the cleansing process.

Clathration is a unique solution for the next khelasi without weaknesses above. In this process, substances such as PCA-Rx clatharaing is given orally and form three-dimensional matrix around the poisons, really attach the capsule, so that effectively neutralize and prevent from coming in contact with the tissue of the body and then squeeze out of the body .

With no chance clathration menginfeksi anniversary with the body's cells as they squeeze out the poison. At the same time clathration agents like PCA-Rx is very effective in removing heavy metal poisoning like lead or mercury.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Bird Flu

Bird flu could become the greatest threat to modern civilization and the world poorly prepared to face bird flu pandemic. Rapid dissemination of the bird flu virus raises questions: what can we do to protect themselves if an attack of bird flu pandemic?

A potential bird flu pandemic can not be considered lightly.

By taking samples from the lungs offering researchers dug in the U.S. Disease Control Center for Spanish flu in 1918 confirmed the bird flu. News worrying because the Spanish flu pandemic is a global disaster menginfeksi about a fourth of the United States and one fifth of the world.

From 20 million to 50 million people died of Spanish flu in 1918 "bird" and most of the victims aged 20 to 40 years. A pattern is unusual because of the flu usually kills, sick children young and old.

At the height of the Spanish flu funeral limited to 15 minutes, no chronic shortage of coffin and digging the grave and the store is prohibited to make the sale. It seems that the bird flu mutates as "bird flu" in 1918 the population of Spain is very dangerous because people do not have the opportunity to develop resistance to the virus that is usually confined to birds.

Worse still, the effects of bird flu outbreaks are not limited to illness and death. SARS Outbreak in Hong Kong in terms of striking show that trade can be closed in the area suffer cases of deadly diseases.

If large scale bird flu pandemic were to break in the west we could see the cities as Hong Kong's afraid for a short period of SARS in 2003. Empty shops, empty streets and the trade grinding to stop.

Dr. Michael Osterholm, epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota called potential bird flu pandemic "the single biggest risk to our world today." David Nabaro from the UN health predicted 5-150 million people could die worldwide if the bird flu virus mutates to human to human virus. British Medical Head, Sir Liam Donaldson says there is no problem IF task viruses such as avian flu pandemic will strike but when the human population. Sir Liam also showed the vaccine to people with bird flu virus to humans can not be produced until the virus mutates and the avian flu vaccine may not be effective even after one can be produced.

Asian flu pandemic of 1957 showed how difficult to vaccination against the influenza virus mutates quickly expanded. Despite the advance warning and even vaccines developed quite rapidly spread of Asian bird flu to the United States in 1957 where it killed 70,000 people.

Health authorities have difficulty producing and vaccine fast enough to fight the virus. Also the nature of the influenza virus mutates quickly means a lot of vaccine provides protection are very limited.

Anti-viral medicine is more recent developments in the war against respiratory viruses such as avian flu and the government in the western world are beginning to stockpile anti-viral drug tamiflu as part of a plan of protection of bird flu. But the bird flu pandemic tamiflu may not be as effective as hoped authorities.

In a disturbing development for health authorities tamilflu resistant strains of bird flu that appears. Recently, a Vietnamese girl diagnosed with bird flu tamiflu resistant strain and the Chinese bird flu H5N1 virus showing resistance around 70% of drugs such as tamiflu adamatane.

Other anti-virus drugs such as Relenza may be more effective if the attack of bird flu pandemic, but up-to-human bird flu virus mutates humans, we can not be certain which drug - if any - will provide the first line of defense pharmaceutical bird flu.

On the side light from the sale of bird flu prevention of sauerkraut in the Twin Cities 54 stores in the United States jumped 840% after the study is inconclusive and small by Korean researchers found bacteria in fermented vegetables may accelerate the recovery of chickens infected with bird flu.

People are more interested in the protection of some bird flu more serious than that fermented cabbage could beautify consistent recommendations from health authorities around the world to reduce your chance of catching the bird flu virus. More than 90% of respiratory viruses like bird flu enters the body through contact between the mucous membranes, eyes and nose and your nails. They ride their way into your body when invited yours. In the WHO World Health Organization conference news Influenza Program leader Klaus Stohr said Global frequent hand washing is the best way to avoid viruses, including bird flu.

Each government health authorities in the western world recommends hand washing as a preventive policy to prevent respiratory viruses such as avian flu, SARS, influenza and common cold. But effective hand washing is not as simple as possible visible on the surface. Important techniques such as soap you use. Antibacterial soap is not recommended for regular hand washing even for health professionals.
READ MORE - Bird Flu

Thursday, August 4, 2011

7 tips to keep you on the dialysis fluid

As dialysis patients will tell you, keeping you get fluid between dialysis sessions in check not only important for your long-term health, it is a key factor in your well-being of all.

Charge dilution rates as low as possible between dialysis treatments will minimize the risk of congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema, and hypertension. Cramps, headaches and breathing difficulties in the short term side effects fluid overload, and while not dangerous as long-term effects, this should be seen as a pointer to fluid overload in dialysis patients.

While all dialysis patients have their own special method to keep their fluid rates in check, I think might be relevant to explain some of the methods I've found (relative) success.
  1. Buy icecap. I have a large chest freezer in the kitchen, I bought a 5kg (approx 11 pounds) a bag of ice chips from the service (gas) station, a place in the freezer, and sucking ice chips all day. Make sure the freezer is conveniently located, so you can reach quickly to take some small pieces of ice, so you can avoid the temptation to fill the glass with ice. (In this case you may also have a cup of coffee you want in the first place!)
  2. Get a set of GOOD digital scales. I have a set that measures the accuracy of 200grams (do not we all wish we were able to balance the dialysis unit of measure for ?!?), 50grams accurate enough to get a good idea where you are on the dilution of profits. Working out the difference between the scale of dialysis centers, and the scale of your home, so you can get accurate reflection liquid profits. I consider themselves the first thing when I wake in the morning (You will be surprised how much weight you lose more than a warm night!), So I came home from work, and every time I drink.
  3. This method in two ways: 1) You never (well, rarely, anyway) get unpleasant surprises when you arrive at the dialysis and jump on the scale. And 2) you do not find the answers to the contrary reached by just 1kg dialysis fluids on, thinking: "Damn, I wish I drank more" (I often find themselves in ridiculous situations to force yourself to have a cup of coffee before I go to wash the blood, because there are no banks to liquid, once you have that the dialysis, the chance to have a drink that's gone forever!). Save up your drinks if you'll need them. If you know you will be an event where the temptation to drink more fluids you need to be strong, keep your drinks before. For example - if you get off dialysis at lunch Wednesday (meaning that you return to dialysis in the morning on Friday), and you have a function to attend on Thursday night, try to drink as little as possible between meals during the day Wednesday and Thursday night, said to yourself that the reward will be the fact that you will be able to drink (almost) of the "normal" in the function.
  4. Keep yourself busy! Every dialysis patient will tell you that when they are busy, they did not think about drinking. This can be walking softly, send an email to friends, jump in the phone, or play with your children. No problem, as long as it makes your mind busy.
  5. Frozen water. Freeze a bottle of water, containing the amount you have allowed yourself to drink that day, and drink like defrosts. This has the benefit of being ice cold drink, too. Under-as well as from this is that if the bottle will melt too quickly, you could find himself in 3:00, with all the water you go!
  6. Spray bottle. Get your own spray bottle and fill it with water (perhaps with a little lemon juice or mint flavorings), and spray into your mouth when you feel the urge to drink. While this will not fully satisfy your desire for liquids, may help you to wait a little longer before the pampering!
  7. Mints and toothpaste. Try sucking a strong mint candy, or even brushing teeth. Mouth feel, clean, fresh, will often reduce the desire to blow the liquid limit. (This method will make you better to kiss, too!)
I hope that these suggestions will help you in the eternal search for dialysis patients to keep the fluids get them under control. But remember, life is to live well, and we, as a dialysis patient for more than the most necessary to comply with this order. So while keeping the liquid you get under control is important for your health immediately and long term, remember that if you have blown your fluid this time, there's always next time, so keep trying!

READ MORE - 7 tips to keep you on the dialysis fluid

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

5 Simple Signs to Tell if Acid reflux or Heart Disease

Chest pain can be a problem, very scary serious. If you are one of the many Americans at risk of heart disease, can even more frightening. But sometimes chest pain is not heart related, it is a digestive problem.
Heartburn, acid reflux or more serious cousin, affecting millions of people every day. The symptoms of both heart problems and acid reflux are very similar, but this is clearly a very different treatment. It's easy for one to the other offenses because the esophagus is located behind the heart in the chest cavity.

Identifying the real problem when you have chest pain is important. Here are a few things to look out for. But remember, when in doubt see your healthcare provider.

1. Burning in the throat due to acid secretion. This is an extension of the ulcer pain caused by acid reflux. The pain caused by gastric acid into the throat and mouth, vomiting is due to acid reflux, not heart problems.

2. Chest pain that begins or increases with exercise is more likely due to heart problems. Acid reflux symptoms did not change with physical exertion. Heart of the stress experienced during physical training that can create potential problems.

3. Cough, mengi, respiratory problems, acid regurgitation, bitter taste in the mouth: these are all signs of acid reflux disease. Acid into the throat of the blame for any of these symptoms, some of which can be very striking. Pregnant women seem prone to heartburn during the last two trimesters in which the fetus grows a lot of stomach space usually occupied. For women, and others in high-risk groups, understanding their motivations for heartburn is also important. For example, some pregnant women with chest pain find themselves in the hospital thinking they had a heart attack, when in fact they have a very serious acid reflux. Once again, knowing you are vulnerable to acid reflux can help you identify the cause of your symptoms.

4. Numbness or tingling in the arm or hand can be a symptom of a heart attack, and is generally not a symptom of acid reflux. Obviously this is serious symptoms and should be treated by a health care professional.

5. The increase in pain after eating is often a symptom of acid reflux disease. Overeating or bend over after eating can aggravate the problem, not heart related. Release of extra stomach acid to digest food that should be blamed for the inconvenience increases after eating. While the acid is effective in helping the digestive process, they can be very detrimental for those who suffer from acid reflux.

Acid reflux disease and heart disease do share some similar symptoms, but with the attention and help health care professionals, you can determine where the problem causing your chest pain.

READ MORE - 5 Simple Signs to Tell if Acid reflux or Heart Disease

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gearing up for flu season

Well, the next flu season upon us quickly, and most people will be happy to delay the pain this year. The biggest questions is ... How? Here is the easiest way to protect yourself and loved ones free from the disgusting from a cold this year (and every).

First, the flu is a virus. A viral infection can not be treated with antibiotics. A virus can only overwhelm your defenses and multiply in your body if your body's defense not enough to begin with. If you are a strong, vital, and a health immune sysytem, ​​your body will most likely be able to prevent most colds, flu, and bacteria. The problem comes when you're stressed, eating poorly, not taking a good multivitamin, or have been recently sick. Traditional holiday season, with his stress, buying gifts, wrapping, traveling, visiting, and overeating, is a perfect opportunity for you to get sick this flu. Here is what you can do.

1. Take a quality multivitamin. If you do not eat with the most stars, you likely low in many nutrients. This is just a fact in the world today. Supplements, good quality will provide you with the nutrients immune enhancing and cold fighting such as zinc, vitamin A, selenium, vitamin C, and vitamin B. Take care of your defense and your body healthy is the first line of defense.

2. Do your best not to be stressful. Stress threatens the very immunity. Just do not qualify as a stress and pain. Try to remember what your purpose in the highest regard. Instead of thinking, "Oh no, I will be too late" thinking "My goal is to come and do the best!. I will take control and responsibility for what I can and do the best" If you appear authentic. And staying true to your ideals while not getting bogged down in the stress from each event at that time, you really can make the immune system (and mental) treatment.

3. Eat well as often as you can. Now, we know that fudge, pies, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, and lots of bread and butter may appear on our plates. They just tend to do that. But as often as you can, eat your vegetables. Many vegetables of all varieties. Eat the fruit intact. If you eat grains, many eating whole grains, and non-flour products. Do dairy products because they produce excess mucus and difficult to digest for some people. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and go easy on tea, black coffee, and try to avoid soda altogether. Even diet soda causes the immune lowering effects for hours after you consume. Sugar inhibits your immune system for hours after eating (or drinking) and an invitation to all sorts of viruses and bacteria Privilege. So unless you're serious about inviting them to stay, do not open the door too often.

4. Exercise daily. Even if you only walk for 20 minutes, in training every day. Your body need it. This is good for the soul. Make it fun to go with friends or your partner and talk. Or go alone and enjoy your thoughts. Go at sunset or sunrise for an enhanced experience.

5. Wash your hands. Most people exposed to flu by shaking hands, touching holding the door, or pick up the phone where the virus was and then touching your eyes, nose, hair, or mouth. The virus usually enters through the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth, but can enter through the mucous membranes of the body. During flu season, make sure to stay aware of touching the mouth, nose, or eyes, especially if you're just touching a other things may have been touched. Wash your hands if in doubt.

6. If you get the flu, see your naturopath immediately for faster resolution. Homeopathic medicine, herbs, hydrotherapy and other treatments often help your body to more quickly eliminate the virus, more than counter products or doing anything. Some drugs, if started when you see the first symptoms, but can prevent the flu from a full attack. You can also take home treatments that your family can take to prevent them from contracting the virus.

READ MORE - Gearing up for flu season

Monday, August 1, 2011

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Dehydration

If you suffer from dehydration symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, learning how to clean and re-hydrate your body will increase your physical energy as well as reduce brain fog, headaches, skin problems, joint and muscle pain, poor digestion and cravings.

When dehydrated, our internal cleansing system becomes congested and mandeg like dirty dish water. It is amazing how much importance we place on cleaning out our bodies, and how little we put on the importance of cleaning the inside!

What are the symptoms of dehydration?
Are not well hydrated manifests itself in many ways. Here are some of the more common symptoms reported by those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome:

Feeling tired and lethargic
Dehydration can be a cause of fatigue when you have chronic fatigue syndrome. Almost all bodily functions are on fluid balance, and even small changes in fluid balance can affect the performance and everyday life. If fluid is not replaced blood volume can drop. As a result, the heart must work harder in order to supply the skin and muscles with oxygen and nutrients.

As the last of dehydration, the body redirects blood to the muscles to work and away from the skin, damage your body's ability to distribute heat. Increase the internal heat results in muscle cramps, dizziness, and fatigue. If you have chronic fatigue syndrome, you will identify with these symptoms.

Many patients with chronic fatigue syndrome often report headaches. Headache is the result of physical stress and / or mental and can result from incorrect hydrated. Headaches caused through poor hydration is a condition shared by many people with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Brain fog
If you have chronic fatigue syndrome, lack of fluid in the system can be very detrimental to decision making. When the brain suffers poor hydration, mental fogginess, poor short term memory, dizziness, severe headaches and poor balance results.

Dry skin, skin rashes and problems
Those with chronic fatigue syndrome often report skin problems. Our body is the most water, so we need to fill and maintain optimal dilution rate. Water helps flush toxins in the body and helps to keep the skin flexible and healthy.

Water itself is a skin moisturizer and just as the rest of your body requires hydration and nutrition, as well as your skin. When our skin suffers affect dehydration, skin problems occur. If you have chronic fatigue syndrome and skin problems, you may be suffering from dehydration.

Joint Pain and Swelling
The pain and swelling of joints that are often associated with chronic fatigue syndrome can also be a result of dehydration with. The cartilage that protects bones at the joint surface consists of a lot of water. If the joint is well hydrated then the friction between the bones minimum.

Muscle pain
As the immune system is trying to deal with bacteria and viruses, poisons and toxins into the lymph system for removal from the body. Circulation is good to help with this process, but if you have chronic fatigue syndrome, pain often prevents you from working out. Lymphatics can be blocked and then the toxins remain trapped.

When you drink enough water, your body dilutes these toxins and your kidneys eliminate toxins more effectively. You may feel worst before you feel better. But continue to drink plenty of water until your kidneys can flush all the dirt. You may find massage lymphatic help.

Dehydration can cause addiction, and symptoms are common among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. If you prefer different foods, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and so on, your body is really disguising its thirst signals.

Water is a natural diuretic and helps prevent you from feeling hungry. If you drink at least four liters of water every day, you will see that you can more easily distinguish between hunger and thirst clear. The net result is that you will have fewer aspirations and feel easier to control your weight.

Poor Digestion
Bad digestion is a common symptom experienced by people with chronic fatigue syndrome. To digest food properly you need to drink plenty of water (but not to eat, because it dilutes stomach acid).

Drink at least half a liter of water one half hour before you eat. Water through the hull and into the intestine and within half an hour, the disekresikan back to the stomach and into the mucus barrier. This barrier to defend sodium bicarbonate needed to neutralize the acid as an attempt to pass through the mucus. Those who suffer from dehydration have inefficient mucous layers. Acid crawl through and cause pain.

Immune dysfunction
Dehydration can cause the body producing excess histamine which can trigger allergies. This is of course, interfere with the body's ability to fight infection, the general pattern in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

So what is Dehydration?
It was common for our bodies to become dehydrated when we have chronic fatigue syndrome. Dehydration can affect our natural thirst reflex - many who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome dehydrated and not even know it.

Our body is about 70% water. Vital organs such as kidneys, brain, and heart can not operate properly without a certain minimum of water and salt. Dehydration is caused by loss of water and important blood salts like potassium and sodium.

When your body becomes dehydrated, the result of tension in the smooth, muscle tissue and organs. This is restricting blood flow. Because your blood flow is restricted, a disposal site for toxicity. The result is that you feel as if you hang on your muscles and sore ... general, for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

You may have heard 'hydration therapy' phrase. There is nothing mysterious about it. It simply means increasing intake of fresh clean water to avoid dehydration. It is very important for people with chronic fatigue syndrome.

When you drink enough water, blood flow is restricted and the toxins can squeeze out of the network and into your blood stream. When you are in a state of dehydration, dark colored urine. But when the liver and kidneys of treating toxic waste, and your well hydrated, your urine is clear.

Experts say that adults need at least four glasses of water for optimal efficiency. Dr Batmangheldidj, author of Body Many Cries for Water shows that chronic fatigue syndrome is directly related to constant dehydration.

He said that drinking at least eight large glasses of pure water a day will help to improve the damage due to chronic fatigue syndrome. Only pure water will do. Other drinks such as tea, coffee, alcohol, fruit juices, soft drinks and processed in the body as food and in some cases, can actually cause dehydration.

Start slowly with your re-hydration regimen and increase slowly for a few weeks to about 5 or 6 liters per day (providing you do not have kidney problems / renal) non-karbonasi water: bottled or filtered. You will find yourself visiting the bathroom more often, but it does not pay. Chronic fatigue syndrome you will be less severe.

READ MORE - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Dehydration