Thursday, July 28, 2011

Diverticulitis and diet

Is Divertikulitis?

Diverticulitis is one of the conditions that have followed from industrialization, and a fundamental change in eating habits with a diet food. This situation emerged after milling became common in Western countries, starting in the United States. Milling fiber strips out valuable grains, and since the beginning of the 20th century has been the lack of dietary fiber in general among the American West, and others, people.

Diverticulitis is actually at a state called diverticulosis, which tends to come with age, especially above 60. Diverticulosis is very common, and past the age of 60 about half the population has this condition. With those diverticulosis have small pockets forming in the intestinal tract. This bag is called diverticula. They are, in themselves, harmless, and most people never know they have it.

If divertikula become inflamed or infected, however, the patient will experience pain in her abdomen. Only a relatively small percentage of people with diverticulosis develop diverticulitis, and many mild cases can be treated with rest and diet change. More serious cases may require surgery.

What Should Include Divertikulitis Diet?

If divertikulitis been diagnosed by your doctor, and confirmed as a mild case, then the doctor may recommend some changes in her diet. Despite the lack of fiber in the diet for several years may have caused the situation, once you have it, the doctor may ask you to reduce the fiber even for a few days, because it can aggravate the pain.

Your medicine may include antibiotics to kill the infection, and is very important that you complete your course and take your doctor's recommendations. In about half of divertikulitis cases, patients are treated at the hospital, the other half will be treated at home. So it is wise when you get to stick to the diverticulitis diet recommended by your doctor.

Once the infection has been cleared and the diverticulitis is no longer a problem, then you will be able to focus on prevention, but again you should take the advice of your doctor.

Diverticulitis Prevention Diet

The cause of diverticulosis is a diet too low in fiber. Prevention of this condition should strive to improve the balance. Divertikulitis diet should be balanced, but include high fiber foods like fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. I'm sure you've heard that before when a healthy diet is mentioned. As diet can help prevent some chronic diseases.

A fiber supplement can help. I have used psyllium for more than a decade, and finding alternative sources of excellent soft fiber, and to cleanse the digestive system is ideal, such as psyllium forms a gel like texture when mixed with water.

The water itself plays an important role in the production of soft stools, and especially when mixed with fibers. So, you must have a lot of water in your diverticulitis diet. Throw in half an hour exercise a day, and your intestines and digestive system must remain in good condition.


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